Monday, June 28, 2010

June 27th, 2010

I took my camera to the movie theater today in hopes of getting some 'words' for today's theme. We went and saw Toy Story 3 at the earliest matinee time (matinees are now $8!). This is kind of a bland shot, I was hoping for a giant cardboard Toy Story setup somewhere to take a better picture of but I didn't see any. This was a really good movie! But I have no doubts in Pixar. The short was really cool too -- as always. (Day and Night, look it up). I left the second movie thinking "I am never giving away my old toys!" and after this movie thinking "I need to play with all of my old toys!" (They were getting pretty depressed that Andy didn't play with them anymore). This one made me cry more than Wall-E, UP, and Toy Story 2 -- all of which I cried in. I am hoping they come out with a DVD trilogy of 1, 2, and 3 so I can get them all together!


  1. you cried?? Seriously at all those movies..huh.I'm really beginning to wonder about myself or maybe I'm the normal one and ev1 else are emotional basket cases ;)

  2. You should have seen if you could set your camera up somewhere in the front during the time-wasting period before the previews start rolling. Or even during the previews. Capture the audience all lit up with the projector light up behind them!

  3. Noelle-- I didn't sob just tear up. And UP didn't make you tear up?? This movie was the saddest for me though. And Dad-- that might have worked but there wasn't that many people there at such an early showing.
