Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9th, 2010

Poor Poppy.

I took my point and shoot on a walk tonight, and this poppy was getting beaten by the rain. It was a very stormy day today, and the ground is really waterlogged. I'm on high slug alert right now!


  1. Yeah, the plants are all getting beaten - enough rain already1

    BTW, this doesn't look like a tree to me!

  2. Poppies are cool... They're like nature's pepper shaker when they dump their seeds. I always thought they looked like someone's head that I knew some time in the past too. Maybe it was the haircut...

  3. can't believe you and your mom have the guts to walk in the rain with all the slugs out and about..getting braver in your old age ;)

  4. I'm not so good with trees! So i opted out. I was thinking about getting a shot of that tree i like on Muckelshoot hill. Yeah Poppies are cool, this one was big! And luckily no slugs on this walk.
