Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 12th, 2010

In addition to our yard work, we are in the process of picking paint colors because it is about time. I found a complete porch inspiration on another blog -- and am desperate to recreate it. The color of the "inspiration" house is a little darker than Mom wants to go though, so we have compromised on a color. This was about a week ago when I picked out initial colors -- but today we found a yard sale, which was attached to a house with a nice paint color we agreed on. The lady was nice enough to find her bucket and chip us off a blob of it to take to Lowes. Tonight we found another house on R St we like, so we might go over tomorrow and ask for a sample of theirs too so we can see which one we like the best. They are very similar I think. What color is it you ask? You will have to wait and see. Now the real question is pay someone, or do it ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. The picture is good because of the story that you wrote to go with it.
    You always have loved colors...
